Positive Paws Terms and Conditions
The following Terms & Conditions governs Positive Paws Dog Training Sessions, including related services, forums, comments, profiles etc.
Please read these Terms & Conditions carefully, you can access them at any time on our website.
In addition to reviewing these Terms & Conditions, please read our Privacy Policy.

Booking a session includes payment for the full course.  Bookings without a completed payment will not be processed.  If you have difficulty making the payment, please contact us at [email protected] Your booking will be processed as soon as we are in receipt of your payment.

If you cancel your enrolment at least 14 days prior to the scheduled start date, you will be eligible for a refund.  If you cancel your enrolment after the 14-day period, you will only be eligible for a refund if we are able to re-allocate your place. In this instance, a £5.00 administration fee will be deducted to administer these cancellations. If we are unable to re-allocate your place, no refund will be offered. Cancellations must be notified in writing to [email protected]
Insufficient demand:  We reserve the right to cancel sessions if there is insufficient demand, as determined by us in our sole and absolute discretion.  In this case you will be offered a replacement service or receive a full refund.

Missing a Session
Positive Paws Dog Training develop a complete course of learning, and by booking and paying for a class, you commit to the full course for the number of weeks specified.  The dates and times of the sessions are published in advance.  If you miss a class or cannot make it, there is no option to catch up on that session, but written notes and any demonstration videos will be sent to you.  We do ask that you let us know by either email, text or WhatsApp if you are unable to make it to a session.  It is not normally possible to transfer between groups.
Please arrive in time for class as latecomers can be disruptive to other dogs in class.  Dogs arriving late can experience stress if barked at by other dogs.  If you are late and we are working dogs off lead, for safety reasons the doors will be closed.  Please wait for a convenient time and we will open the door. 
If you arrive too early and another session is still in progress. Please wait in the car with your dog.
One to One Training & Behaviour Assessments
121 sessions will take place at your home or at a suitable, agreed location, depending on the nature of the training.  Fees must be paid at least 48 hours prior to the training session.  If booking a “package” of sessions the total fee must be paid 48 hours prior to the first session and all sessions must be taken within 6 months of that date.
For scheduled 1-2-1 sessions, cancellations made with less than 24 hours’ notice will not be eligible for a refund.  At Positive Paws we understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise and if you have an emergency requiring rescheduling, we ask that you contact us as soon as possible either by email, text or WhatsApp.  If on the day of the scheduled appointment we are unable to proceed due to illness, emergency or adverse weather conditions, an alternative date will be offered for rescheduling.  It is important to note that this is not a cancellation. 

Force Majeure
Services may be affected by severe weather temperatures, or other reasons considered force majeure.  You will be informed as soon as possible by either email, text or WhatsApp of any changes to any sessions.  If we cannot reschedule the session, they will be held remotely, and a link will be sent to you.  We only use this option in exceptional circumstances.

All equipment at our facility is the property of Positive Paws Dog Training.  Please do not let your dogs use the equipment unless instructed by one of our trainers. 
All Guardians should bring their own dog treats and appropriate toys to class. As well as treat pouch, poo bags and a blanket or bed. Treats should ideally be meat based and roughly the size of a pea. We do have a small selection available to purchase.
Guardians are asked that all Mobile Phones are switched off during sessions.
Cars are parked at the Owners risk.
There is no toilet facility, please plan accordingly.

Our Methods
All dogs should wear a flat collar with identification tag which should include, Guardian’s Surname, First Line of their address, Postcode and Contact Number. Dog should also be Microchipped. Harnesses are preferred but not essential.
Positive Paws Dog Training Trainers are members of reputable organisations such as IMDT, APDT and NICE and in accordance with our membership Code of Practise, we practise kind, fair, and effective techniques avoiding the need to use physical correction of any type.  Harsh handing of dogs is not permitted and the use of Retractable Leads, Slip Leads, Check Chains, Head Collars and other coercive or punitive methods including lead jerking, shouting, or smacking or any other device or method that has the potential to cause injury, pain or fear are not permitted.  Any Guardian who uses harsh methods when asked not to, will be asked to leave our sessions, and not return and no refunds will be issued.

Sickness and Other Medical Issues
Guardians must notify Positive Paws Dog Training if their dog becomes unwell or displays symptoms such as sickness, diarrhoea, lethargy, conjunctivitis.
Bitches in season are not permitted to attend sessions or our training facility.  Please contact Positive Paws as soon as this happens to make alternative arrangements. 
Postoperative Dogs should have the Vet’s permission to rejoin sessions, and it is the Guardians responsibility to follow any Veterinarian advice and advise us of any changes required. We will not be held responsible for following the advice of Guardians should any complications arise.
You agree to inform Positive Paws Dog Training of any medical changes to your dog. 
You understand it is your responsibility to make sure your dog is vaccinated, flea and worm treated regularly.
If we feel that your Dog is unwell, we will ask you to take your dog home or to the Vets and allow you to rejoin the session when the illness has passed, or the Vet permits your dog to rejoin.

Dog Safety
Dogs should always be kept on a lead during sessions and at our training facility unless instructed by one of our trainers. You are responsible for the conduct of your dog at all times.
When arriving at class please avoid meeting other dogs on lead. Not all dogs like to be near other dogs when restrained on a lead and may react as a consequence.  Please do not crowd doorways and allow plenty of room for a dog to enter and exit the training facility. On arrival enter when requested and take a place as advised.  Do not allow dogs to play together outside our facility before a session as this can cause excitement and lack of attentions during the session.
Please clean up any mess and place in the appropriate bin. Disinfectant will be provided.
Should you notice any significant changes in your dog’s behaviour please notify us as soon as possible.
You must not knowingly book a dog, which shows signs of aggression or nervousness onto our sessions, unless it is a session intended to address these issues. We reserve the right to excuse dogs that are aggressive in class. If you are unsure about the suitability of your dog for a particular session, please book a Discovery Call to this discuss further. If after the Discovery Call, we have agreed on a Group Session, but the Dog is not suited to this environment we will offer your alternative arrangement such as working on a 121 basis. In this instance your payment can be transferred.

Children at Sessions:
At Positive Paws Dog Training we encourage all family members to attended sessions.  Children are welcome and when encouraged to participate and can often make competent handlers.  Children under 16 years of age must always be accompanied by an adult.  Children are encouraged to behave appropriately in the presence of unfamiliar dogs and are requested not to run about or distract other dogs from working, during sessions.  For safety reasons we ask that Children do not approach unfamiliar dogs until they are educated about how to do this in a safe and appropriate manner.  This is something the sessions will cover. 
Young children may not find training sessions exciting.  It can be challenging to supervise young children while training a dog.  Very young children can become bored and may need another adult to supervise them.  If you provide your children with entertainment during sessions, please ensure the entertainment is quiet and will not distract the other attendees.

Media & Advertising
Pictures and Videos may be taken during your dog learning experience, and these may be used for advertising purposes.  By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you release Positive Paws Dog Training from all claims and liability relating to images, video or photographs taken of your dog.  If you do not want your dog or yourself in any media shots, please ensure you tick the relevant box of your enrolment form.   Positive Paws Dog Training will not sell or transfer images or videos of you or your dog with third parties. 
Thank you for reading our Terms and Conditions, and we look forward to meeting you.
Positive Paws Dog Training have the right to amend these terms and conditions when necessary.
